First, they know there is Cafe bRimon/b at 3am. Secondly, they know they?ll get the ?Why haven?t you made aliyah, yet?? guilt trip if they try it in Israel. Besides if they complain about Israelis, you can always retort there are more Israelis in b.../b My favorite story: We were guests at bVacation/b Village in the mountains one Shabbat. A neighbor asked, ?Where do you live?? ?Jerusalem?, I said. ?Yeah?, she responded, ?we also used to live out of town, but we didn?t like it.? b.../b
First, they know there is Cafe bRimon/b at 3am. Secondly, they know they?ll get the ?Why haven?t you made aliyah, yet?? guilt trip if they try it in Israel. Besides if they complain about Israelis, you can always retort there are more Israelis in b.../b My favorite story: We were guests at bVacation/b Village in the mountains one Shabbat. A neighbor asked, ?Where do you live?? ?Jerusalem?, I said. ?Yeah?, she responded, ?we also used to live out of town, but we didn?t like it.? b.../b
why do i deserve such a visit. from the one i thought i'd never meet. beyond my greatest expectations. you exceeded everything. well here i am. take me for what you see. for i'm transparent in the light of you. and look inside, b.../b